Saturday 1 November 2008

I'm back!

I cannot believe the last time I wrote a blog here was in July. Shame on me. I am refusing to give it up however, as there are people who occasionally make it here and I hope they come across something worthwhile when they do find it. Nevertheless, I am going to make a resolution to blog here more often!

There is not a huge amount going on epilepsy-wise in my life at the moment. I have not had a seizure since July, not a major one anyway, but I have had some wee myoclonic jerks and some ‘faces’ as I call them. Certainly not complaining though.

I am in third year of university now, so non-epilepsy life has become a little hectic with presentations and essays, etc. I was also elected as the student representative for disabled students in the English department, so I’m working with one of the lecturers at the university to improve some things for disabled students within the department. One of the ideas we have is for a ‘safe’ room, where for example I could go if I thought I was going to have a seizure and didn’t want to do it in public, or if someone with diabetes needed somewhere for their injections.
Anyway, I’m sleepy, so I’m off for some much needed sleep. I will be making more of an effort here though, I promise!

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