Friday 2 November 2007

Another seizure

I had my first grand mal seizure in ten months today.

I remember very little about it, in fact I don’t even remember waking up, or going downstairs – the only reason I know I had a seizure is my tongue has teeth marks in it, and I was very very confused.

I remember my arms jerking briefly and the next thing I know, I’m downstairs phoning The Mother’s work. Needless to say the receptionist (if that’s who it was I spoke to) sounded very confused as The Mother is currently in Africa on a trip for charity. I phoned Brother Number Two next, demanding to know where our mum was, to which he worriedly reminded me that she was in Africa.

Brother Number Two came over to make sure I was okay, and as he was chatting away I continued to look and sound confused. Slowly I started to feel better, and everything began making sense again. I went back to bed since I was exhausted and I looked into the spare room, where everything was a mess and it was obvious where I had had the seizure.

Now that everything has started to make sense now, I know why I had the seizure. I had forgotten to take my medication last night, plus I wasn’t well yesterday (I had to leave university because of it) and so the combination probably left me vulnerable. It’s disappointing that this has happened because it means it’s another year before I can get a driving license – for some reason I always manage to have seizures on a yearly basis, leaving me to think I’m doomed to get the bus for the rest of my life!

On the upside however, I don’t remember the seizure at all which makes it less stressful and less scary for me. Plus I provided some giggles with my confused rambling so it’s not all bad!


Be My Distraction said...

things could be worse, imagine when you called your work that they'd just put your mum on the phone and she'd just been hiding out at govan road all this time :P

seriously tho, lets make a deal, in a year we'll both start driving... up for it??

Jane said...

Haha, right Davie Boy, it's a a year we'll start lessons :D

Anonymous said...

jane this blog is excellent!

its so good that your doing such a positive thing to try and help people.

your definately someone to look upto girlie :)

Jane said...

Awh, bless you Heather, I teared up reading that comment!

Thank you!!

Rhons said...

Hiya Jane! You are a true ambassador for Epilepsy. I have always wanted to do something like this but when I was first diagnosed epilepsy was a swear word (35 yrs ago). Keep up the good work

Jane said...

Aww thank you very much Rhons. I figure that there's no point seeing it as 100% of a negative thing, so I try to make it as positive as possible :-)